The advantages and disadvantages of video games for children


The evolution of technology has considerably favoured the development of video games, and many children today prefer video games to other physical games. Parents are wondering if playing these different video games is beneficial for children. So follow in this article some advantages and disadvantages of video games for children.

Advantages of video games

Video games have many advantages for children. They are purely virtual games, but they allow children to develop certain important skills. Thus, video games allow to :

– Stimulate children’s intelligence: in video games, children are required to develop strategies and techniques to achieve the objectives defined by the game. This helps them to improve their intellectual level.

– Develop better concentration: During video games, children concentrate on their objectives in order to achieve them. Thus, these video games teach children how to concentrate.

– To have a good control and perfect precision: Among the video games, we have games of skill and the regular practice of these games allows you to develop a perfect precision.

– Distract and avoid stress: as we know, video games are also moments of distraction for children

– Activate the brain: video games allow children to think, so they put their brain in activity.

Despite these many advantages, video games also have disadvantages.

Disadvantages of video games

Video games have some disadvantages. Among these disadvantages, we can mention

– Sight problems: video games hurt your eyes, especially when you spend a lot of time in front of the screen.

– Addiction: children can become addicted to video games. This prevents them from thinking about other things.

– Laziness and poor school results: By playing video games, children become lazy and do not perform well at school.

Video games are not bad in themselves, but care must be taken to ensure that children do not become addicted to them.